Directed by Philip Lauri and produced by Michal Gruda, Andrew Jenson, Philip Lauri, and Steven Craig Oliver, After the Factory is a documentary whose message can be applicable to us today.
What does Detroit have in common with Lodz, Poland? A great deal according to this sociologically-riveting documentary comparing the rusting infrastructure, the fleeting population, and the high unemployment found in each city. Studying not just the lost glories but the new opportunities available in each setting, this thesis on the global economy inspects the micro and macro causes and effects of industrial development and decline. This doc serves as a dialogue, allowing both cities to learn from each other.
After the film on Sunday afternoon, we invite you to join in a discussion moderated by Mlive Media Group-The Bay City Times. Special guests from the community will be on a panel to discuss how we can apply the lessons learned in this documentary to our local communities. Be a part a part of this great community event and contribute your ideas.
Sunday, 4:30pm, State Theatre Buy tickets for Hell’s Half Mile – After the Factory